Wednesday, November 14, 2012

C4T #3

About A Teacher

For C4T #3 I was assigned to Greta Sander's blog, About a Teacher. The post that I read was titled, Finding My Voice. She talks about how, even as a child, she loved to write. Her uncle was a poet and wrote her a poem about how she would become a poet one day, herself. He seemed to be a big inspiration to her and as to why she loved to write. He made it exciting for her. She discusses that, as she got older, she came down with a bad case of writers block. It took several years for her to come out of that rut. Greta says that blogging has helped her. Since she was given an audience and someone to write for, it has provided her with more reason to discuss things of deeper and more emotional meaning. An instance that she described as the defining moment that pulled her out of the writers block stage she had been trapped in for years, was when a friend asked her to write an "Ah Ha" moment for her blog page. She says that the post was still one of her best. She left a link to it on this post. It is titled, Love Them Before You know Them.

I first introduced myself to Mrs. Sander. I complimented her on this post and told her how wonderful it was. I agreed with her when she mentioned that blogging helps to get her creative juices flowing. (I know it has mine!) After discussing how much I enjoyed this post, I went on to tell her how much more I enjoyed reading the post she titled as, Love Them Before You know Them. I told her how beautiful and inspirational it was. She talks about how there was a problem child throughout the school and all of the teachers had something bad to say about him. She soon finds out that he was sexually abused and his actions are mostly likely resulted from this. Her effort then, was to strive to make a difference in this child's life. I'm not going to tell you too much more about it, because I want you to read it for yourself. It will be well-worth your time; I know it was mine!

Kids Motivating Other Kids

In this post, Mrs. Sandler talks about a day when she let her previous class come in and talk about blogging with her current class. She said that she was surprised to get the reaction from her previous class that she did. The kids were so excited and completely motivated to keep blogging. She said that it got her new students motivated and ready to begin their own blogging adventure.

When I commented on her post, I first introduced myself. I told her that this post was very inspiring and motivating! I said that I can relate to her students entirely. I told her how I have showed family and friends all of the things that I have done in this class and how proud of my work I am. It has pushed and motivated me to do better with my work because it is published publicly for the whole world to see. I had a lot of the same reactions that her students did when it came to the excitement and thrill of achieving a great a blog post. I told her that she is doing a great job with her class and to keep up the great work and great blogging! I urge each of you to go and check out this post to see the reactions from her students (it is very relatable!)

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